“I Vow Not to Burn Out” Lion’s Roar

By Mushim Patricia Ikeda, in Lion’s Roar

I created a whole website dedicated to ways to care for yourself while you care for others. Mask on first philosophy. It’s weird, I thought. Especially when I first heard that. Seems backwards. Couldn’t get my head around it. It took decades. Still taking decades, though through art, finally and some serious coaching, along with several years as a back drop; of therapy, groups, workshops, discussions, healing seminars and finally shamanic practices, I broke through the veil to figure out ways to deeply care for myself so I could continue to care for others. Stay alive. Did you catch that.

Anyhou, work in progress. So, “Mushim Ikeda says, it’s not enough to help others. You have to take care of yourself too.” This is from the article (same link) “I Vow Not to Burn Out” in lionsroar.com.

The article is a good read and what helps me is visualization and imagery. So, the image Lion’s Roar chose for this article I can really relate to and it really helps me practice self-care, so -I’m sharing it with you!! There’s lots we can do spiritually, for self-care and all the way around. One thing’s for sure: We’ve got to be healthy to stand up!!
